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Artful Musings
about Renaissance Art and Digital Art, alone and together

Mar 7, 2020
Colour Symbolism in Giotto’s Arena Chapel
Sensory impressions derived from bright colours drew the onlooker from the material to the immaterial, bringing the divine into human life.

Tim Burton meets Raphael in the Darkness (and the Light)
His suburbia is a blinding pure-colour utopia, brightened with white – unnaturally - without shadow or stain.

Leonardo's Sfumato
Leonardo once wrote that ‘light and shade should blend without lines or borders in the manner of smoke’.

The Magic of Surface Detail
The illusion of reality balances the soft and the touchable with the reflective and the gleaming.

A Constellation of Dots
How to create a representation of the human body which appears convincingly plotted in 3D space?

Hasan Niyazi, Art Historian, Remembered
Hasan was a mercurial force in the digital art history space, and created a devoted community of Renaissance art lovers around his blog.

Raphael's Unione
Raphael sought to achieve soft shadows and tonal unity, without sacrificing bellezza di colore, or brilliant colour.

Michelangelo's Cangiantismo
The overall effect of Cangiantismo is slightly dreamy, and an appropriate environment for non-threatening monsters.

Cennini and the SuperBrights
Cennini created a comprehensive manual, explaining challenges such as ‘How to paint a dead man' and How to paint water'.

Modes of Renaissance Colour
Colour today, as in Renaissance Italy, artfully fuels an essential escape to alternative states of mind.

The Volumetric Eye
One discovers that this connection between artists and math wasn’t confined to one-off superstars such a Leonardo.

Heaven in a Box
Like a Baroque Doll House, the inner psychological depths and expansive terrains of Virtual Reality unfold for the intrepid.

Marvellous Vistas
Landscape appreciation was seen as essential to physical and spiritual health for cultured Renaissance Italians.

Math for Art's Sake
In this pursuit of naturalistic perfection through math, the world of contemporary 3D rendering and the Italian Renaissance are linked.

My Avatar, My Salvation
Immersion in virtual worlds begins with the ability to enter that world, usually as a character, be it human, android, or furry.

Colour Symbolism in Giotto’s Arena Chapel
Sensory impressions derived from bright colours drew the onlooker from the material to the immaterial, bringing the divine into human life.

Caravaggio’s Counter-Reformation
Caravaggio - far from being out of step with his time - was powerfully in synch with the ideals and obsessions of Counter-Reformation Italy.

Realism in Early Trecento Religious Painting
While realistic illusion had great power to touch the humanity of Christian followers, irreality was essential to help them transcend it.

Perugino – Raphael’s Master
The moment I heard about this exhibition, the first outside Italy to focus on Pietro Perugino exclusively, I booked my flight.

Reflecting on the Ghent Altarpiece
Painter Hubert van Eyck, greater than whom none has been found, began the weighty task, which his brother Jan, second in art, completed.
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