Tesco inspired customer retention through a new recipe meal planner.
01 Understand the requirements
Tesco wanted more shoppers to integrate online shopping into their weekly routine. Meal planning and recipe preparation were the focus of this integration.
Tesco created a detailed features list as the starting point for this project, as well as a requirement that it would be tablet-based.
My first step was to group the features into themes. The features were also prioritised.

02 Create a high-level concept
Having a list of theme-based features, I then mapped them to functional modules and created a user flow through these functional modules. This formed the basis of the interactive model.

03 Visualise the experience
I produced screens visualising the experience for user testing and client feedback.

04 Test and Refine
I organised two rounds of user testing, to explore how the user would approach creating a shopping list and add items to the shopping basket in the most natural and convenient way. These insights fed into the final flow through the application.